Virtual Events - Don't cancel your event, move it online

The turbulent period we currently find ourselves experiencing has resulted in all of us having to work in very different ways. However, today’s advanced technology has thankfully made face to face interaction with others so much easier. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout, Skype for Business, and similar online portals are our new best friends.As the corporate world has been obliged to find new ways to carry out business, similarly, event planners and the entertainment and hospitality industry has had to adapt and evolve to respond to demand.Events by Knight appreciate that event planning is currently experiencing unparalleled challenges as we all respond and adapt to the Covid-19 crisis.  For this reason, we’ve put together a comprehensive virtual event planning service, which enables you to visually communicate and collaborate with us, as well as giving you opportunities and resources to hold ‘business as usual’ virtual meetings and conferences with colleagues and delegates.Here are some of the services we offer, along with the many benefits of having your event take place virtually.

Going Online

Our resources allow us to meet any requirement of an online event. We can manage an event for as many people as you require for as simple or as complex a set up as you desire.

Live Streams and On Demand

Although live streams can be straightforward to set up yourself, our excellent quality livestream event service offers seamless functionality and takes away the worries of trying to co-ordinate everything yourself.We can also offer a number of bespoke additional online resources and interactive elements to your event. There is also the advantage of being able to make the event available on demand after its initial broadcast, giving you the option to further utilise your product and to promote it and share it with an unlimited number of people.

Risk Management

Although there may still be ways for some traditional events to take place, taking your event online holds many advantages.  Forget social distancing, one way corridors, sanitising stations and PPE,  other than ensuring your software can handle requirements, and technical equipment is up to date, on site risk management processes are now a thing of the past.Our management event services work with teams of skilled individuals with many years of experience. We’ll ensure audio video equipment is appropriate for your venue and has the necessary IT accessories, cabling and lighting. We’ll also work with colour schemes for branding, themes and staging whilst complying with all safety regulations.We fully understand the importance of professionalism.  We’ll run everything past you, provide you with detailed timetabling and scheduling and always have back up plans available. Every facet of your event will be perfectly and professionally managed, your guests will enjoy a seamless experience and your ability to host a wonderful event will be noted.


A further advantage of hosting your event online is your capacity to reach a greater audience.  Time zones are no longer a barrier, your conference, forum or corporate meeting can instantly go global, and that’s impossible to achieve for a traditional event without incurring vast amounts of time, money and effort on co-ordinating travel arrangements for your guests. In uncertain times such as those we find ourselves in at present, being able to reach as many people as possible is a distinct advantage.

Time and Travel Savings

Hosting a virtual event contributes to accessibility in terms of reducing travel time and savings.  As your guests will no longer have to factor in time spent travelling, researching nearby accommodation, parking facilities, etc, you’re likely to reap benefits in terms of audience participation.  Furthermore, you’ll save money in printing costs, ticketing, venue hire etc.

Carbon Footprint

Virtual events are also less ecologically impactful than traditional venue based ones.   Many of the vital elements required at physical events are no longer required, or at least not in such a vast quantity for virtual events. High carbon footprint necessities such as travel, as mentioned above, together with reduced electricity usage, all playa major role in contributing to a sustainable environment.

Future Events

Social, leisure, corporate and entertainment events are likely to revert back to the more physical formats traditionally enjoyed prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.However, many of the innovations that have come about as a result of the current climate are likely to be adopted and retained owing to their convenience and advantage.We think this gives event planning greater flexibility and opens up more opportunities for regular meetings, variety, and inventiveness.With this in mind, Events by Knight will continue to offer individual tailor made services, specifically designed for your company and your event.  We’ll carry out risk assessments (either virtually or on site) and advise on health and safety requirements, equipment, accessories and any adaptations needed to ensure your virtual event reaches its target audience and is a resounding success for all concerned.

Get in touch

Need some help with your virtual event management? Not sure where to start? Get in touch with our dedicated team who will be able to chat things over with you.

Email: or call +44(0)20 3130 4040

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