Capture your Zoom Event

Celebrating a special event is the ideal chance to capture some memories that you can treasure for a lifetime. However, can the same be said when you are not physically together in one place?You may think that you don’t need photography when you are organising a virtual Zoomitzvah, however, we believe that it can still be a valuable way to take some amazing photos that you can treasure for time to come.

How does Zoomitzvah photography work?

You may be wondering how exactly this service will work. With an extensive database of professional photographers, we are perfectly set to take some stunning photographs of you on your special day.Whilst we might not be able to take images of all of your guests, we can come to you and make sure that you have something to remember this amazing celebration by. We will take shots of you in your chosen venue and safety will always be at the forefront of our minds.We know what it takes to get the right shots, and we can apply this to any type of photography. Whether this is going to be outside, or perhaps even in your own home.We can, at request, also visit certain guests, if availability allows, which means that whilst you cannot be with them in person. You can still have photos of them taken. Which is always going to be ideal for you if you are missing them.

Should I invest in this service?

You may wonder whether or not it is worth investing into Zoomitzvah photography, especially if you are already paying out for other aspects of organising your event online. We believe that it is. Being able to capture some of those key moments means that you have something to look back at for some time to come.

Not only does this allow you to think about how amazing your special day was, but it also shows you that despite being in a different world, you were still able to celebrate with people who were most important to you at that moment in time.

Another great reason to invest in this service is because it means that you can send the images through to your guests for them to enjoy. Just as much as you have missed out being with them at this important time, there is a good chance that they will feel the same.

Sending them photos of you, means that they feel that they have been as equally a part of it as they would have otherwise. They can see a behind the scenes glimpse of the celebration and they can then have their own way to remember just how great it was to be together.

Don’t think that being stuck on a screen is the end of the world.

Remember that you are still able to be together, even when miles and Covid-19 keeps you apart.

We would certainly be happy to assist you to develop your Virtual events programme and please do not hesitate to give us a call +44(0)20 130︎ 4040︎︎ or send us an email to learn exactly how Events by Knight can open the door to a brand-new world of Zoom event management for you.

Email: or call +44(0)20 3130 4040

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